Luas Cross City and Broombridge trains

Sir, – Your editorial writer ("Luas Cross City: back to the future", December 9th) understandably assumes that "public transport users will be able to change at Broombridge between the Luas and trains on the Maynooth/Sligo line". Unfortunately (and unbelievably), Irish Rail customer information advises that "there are currently no plans to stop Sligo services at Broombridge". Thus, bemused passengers from Sligo, Longford, Mullingar and Maynooth, trundling through Broombridge, will watch the Luas depart for O'Connell Street and all points south, while they are imprisoned until they arrive at Connolly Station, where they are offered no meaningful transport service to the city centre. So much for the much-vaunted "integrated transport system". – Yours, etc,


