‘Generation Snowflake’

Sir, – After reading Brian Boyd's opinion piece "The petulant adult-children of Generation Snowflake have a point" (Opinion & Analysis, July 20th), I, as a millennial who barely calls herself a millennial since I was only born in 1999, have been moved to write my first letter to a newspaper, mainly because this topic frustrates me no end. I hope you do not think me speaking my mind on this topic is me being a crybaby. I am only trying to add to the discussion.

Some people of my generation believe all people matter, but others don’t. The exact same can be said about previous generations, and indeed all previous generations.

Stop generalising. I may share some similar experiences with other millennials, such as seeing the first black US president take office or a referendum on gay marriage, but that doesn’t mean we all share the same opinions or beliefs.

We need to stop stereotyping generations.


So no matter how much you want to judge us, just remember how many years ago it was when you were in the exact same inexperienced position as we are now, so be kind. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – I was a baby boomer once but I became grey and invisible. Now I’m slush at the mercy of “Generation Snowflake”. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 7.