An Post closures

Sir, – Rural areas of the country are not the only ones hit by closure of the vital services of An Post. No less than four local post offices have closed on Dublin’s southside within recent years. Offices at Morehampton Road, Mount Merrion, Woodbine Road and Goatstown are no longer with us. According to staff of one of the remaining post offices in the area , they are “run off their feet” in proportion to the closure of offices in the surrounding area.

How does our national postal system propose to cater for its customers, many of them dependant on public transport, who use An Post for their pension collection and savings? To say that these services are available online for everybody is not a satisfactory resolution. The reduction of services to the public seems to go without a whimper from our local representatives. Where are the protests on behalf of our vulnerable citizens? – Yours, etc,




Dublin 4.