Mr Frank Dunlop gave a former Fianna Fáil councillor, Mr Seán Gilbride, a total of £12,000 in "improper" payments in 1991, he has told the tribunal.
Mr Dunlop originally told the tribunal the payments were contributions for the local elections that year, but yesterday he said they were not legitimate political donations. Among other payments allegedly made by Mr Dunlop which were revealed at the tribunal yesterday was a sum of £5,000 in cash to the Mr G.V. Wright.
The former Government press secretary was beginning his evidence in the tribunal's hearing into the rezoning of lands at Drumnigh, near Portmarnock, in 1993. Mr Dunlop said Mr Wright was supposed to have been handling the rezoning of these lands by drawing up a map and submitting a motion to the council.
However, this hadn't happened and he was contacted by the landowner, Mr Denis Mahony, in March 1993, the witness said. He met Mr Mahony and an adjoining landowner, Mr Noel Fox, in the Shelbourne Hotel. He said Mr Mahony was annoyed at Mr Wright's inaction and said the politician had done "sweet Fanny Adam, or words to that effect".
Mr Dunlop agreed to take on the work, and looked for £10,000 in cash. He assumed the money came jointly from both men.
Ms Patricia Dillon SC, for the tribunal, said there were "significant inconsistencies" in Mr Dunlop's account of his meetings with the landowners. The witness had originally told the tribunal he met both men together, yet in a statement filed last May he said he met Mr Mahony alone.
Mr Dunlop said he had made a mistake by confusing two separate meetings. Mr Mahony had been "the driver" in the meeting and Mr Fox has said virtually nothing.
Ms Dillon pointed out that when Mr Dunlop first told the tribunal about the Drumnigh lands three years ago, the only councillor he identified in relation to them was the late Mr Cyril Gallagher. Now, however, he said he made payments to four councillors for their rezoning.
Mr Dunlop said he hadn't had the "road map" of the Dublin development plan to hand at the time to aid his memory. There was a lot of pressure at the tribunal in 2000 and the atmosphere was "frenetic".
Counsel also noted Mr Dunlop had previously told the tribunal he gave Mr Wright £2,000 wrapped in a newspaper in 1991; now he was saying this happened in 1993. Mr Dunlop said he had only made one such payment to Mr Wright, and that was in 1993. The other recollection was incorrect.