Reid denies Phillips leaving Sunderland

Sunderland boss Peter Reid today denied striker Kevin Phillips has submitted a transfer request.

Sunderland boss Peter Reid today denied striker Kevin Phillips has submitted a transfer request.

Today's Daily Mailsaid Phillips, valued at £15 million sterling, was upset after being jeered by Sunderland fans during last week's north-east derby against Newcastle

The paper said Arsenal, Leeds United and Tottenham Hotspur were interested in signing the 27-year-old, adding that Sunderland were resigned to losing him.

Phillips arrived at the club's Whitburn training ground this morning and went straight to see his manager.


Following a short conversation, Reid said: "I've had the boy in and it's rubbish.

"If the boy had a problem, I would be the first to know. When Kevin arrived at the training ground this morning, he immediately came to see me after hearing the story.

"Kevin rubbished the story and told me he is very happy at the club."

Reuters/PA Sport