Rail services today

There will be a reduced service today on the following routes:

There will be a reduced service today on the following routes:

Dublin to Sligo - 3 services Sligo to Dublin - 3 services

Dublin to Tralee - 5 services Tralee to Dublin - 4 services

Dublin to Westport/Ballina - 3 services Westport/Ballina to Dublin - 3 services


Drogheda/Dundalk services - most services will operate Kildare to Heuston - 15 services Heuston to Kildare - 16 services

Portlaoise to Dublin - 3 early-morning services, one evening service Dublin to Portlaoise - 2 services

Services today will be normal on the following routes:

Dublin/Cork Dublin/Limerick Dublin/Waterford Dublin/Rosslare Dublin/Belfast Cork/Cobh Dublin to Galway - plus 18.05 Galway to Dublin Heuston/Athlone DART, Maynooth and Arklow services Kildare commuter services - almost all services will operate