"News" hits streets late

IT WAS a frustrating day for Dublin's evening newspaper sellers

IT WAS a frustrating day for Dublin's evening newspaper sellers. On O'Connell Street they waited and waited for the first copies of the Evening News, which were delayed until 3 p.m. by printing problems.

"People have been looking for it since this morning", said one seller.

Among the first to buy the News in O'Connell Street was Ms Margaret Donnelly from Drimnagh. She always bought both the Press and the Herald, and two morning newspapers, and would buy the new paper "if it holds its price".

Mr Joseph Hade of Cabra, a Sun reader, decided to switch and see what the new paper had to offer. He was not impressed. "It has no foreign news", he said.


A young woman from Ranelagh said she sometimes bought the Herald, but did not like it. "If the new newspaper offers a good television guide and cinema listings, I will probably buy it a few times a week."