Information and Access to Court Documents

An Information Office of the Courts Service, a designated press room in the Four Courts and improved facilities for journalists…

An Information Office of the Courts Service, a designated press room in the Four Courts and improved facilities for journalists and the posting of judgments on the Internet are among the report's recommendations on Information and Access to Court Documents.

The information office has already been legislated for in the Courts Service Act of 1998. However, access to court documents, like the charge sheet and judgments, has long been a source of concern to the media.

The report recommends the drawing up of guidelines for Courts Service staff on public access to court documents with staff to be trained in these guidelines. Judgments and other information on the courts should be posted on the Internet.

It proposes a number of measures to make the work of court reporters easier, including improving acoustics in courts, the immediate release of written judgments, all personnel in courts to be identified and a forum established to enable representatives of the judiciary, court staff and the press to meet regularly.


Basic press facilities should be a feature of all new courthouses, with the facilities in old ones improved as much as possible.