France calls for UN peace-keeping in Iraq

France has called on the United Nations take over keeping the peace in Iraq.

France has called on the United Nations take over keeping the peace in Iraq.

"The death of the two sons who were the future of SaddamHussein's regime marks the end of an era and we can hope that with the capture of Saddam himself the page will be definitivelyturned," French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin saidafter US forces killed Uday and Qusay Hussein on Tuesday.

Mr Villepin said the climate in Iraq, where basicinfrastructure is still in shreds and occupying US forces are suffering casualties daily, would only improve with a SecurityCouncil resolution handing the United Nations responsibility.

He urged the United Nationsbe given control of reconstruction and peacekeeping in thecountry where US-led forces toppled Saddam.


France led the opposition to the US-led war, preventingWashington from getting United Nations backing. Paris has since been pushing to get Washington and London to let the world bodytake over rebuilding the country.

US President George W. Bush has called for military andfinancial aid from other countries. But such countries asRussia, Germany and India have backed France in saying they need a new UN mandate first.

"Patching together a system from what exists, adding foreigntroops to coalition forces, does not seem to us the best way to guarantee security in Iraq," Mr Villepin said.