Fires services called out 40 times to fight wildfires

The fire services in Kerry were called out 40 times over the weekend to battle wildfires.

The fire services in Kerry were called out 40 times over the weekend to battle wildfires.

Dry weather as well as the looming deadline of Thursday, March 1st, for the legal burning of uncultivated land have contributed to the number of fires in the southwest, according to senior fire officers who are warning communities to be alert.

About 20 notifications had been received prior to the burning of some mountains to control gorse and other vegetation, and the fire service did not have to attend these fires.

Controlled burning of old vegetation to improve new grass growth is allowed until March 1st, under the Wildlife Acts, and those burning must do so responsibly and notify the authorities, particularly in the vicinity of houses and forest.


Hundreds of acres of land on the periphery of the Killarney National Park were set alight in the early hours of Sunday morning.

It was the second attempt to set fire to the area over the weekend and the blaze was only contained by a change of wind, a senior fire officer said.