FF claims address was more like party broadcast

REACTION: FIANNA FÁIL justice spokesman Dara Calleary said the Taoiseach had set out nothing new of substance, despite a build…

REACTION:FIANNA FÁIL justice spokesman Dara Calleary said the Taoiseach had set out nothing new of substance, despite a build-up of weeks to the broadcast.

He added that if it was Enda Kenny’s intention to put aside politics and engage people in a new vision, it clearly did not deliver.

“It was announced at a Fine Gael meeting and appears to have been designed to serve purely party political purposes,” Mr Calleary added.

“It felt more like a party political broadcast than an address to the nation.’’


He said the Budget details outlined by the Taoiseach had been well leaked by his Ministers, and Mr Kenny’s claims concerning tough decisions taken so far all related to ones he had inherited or opposed.

“He mentioned jobs repeatedly, but the hard fact is that his VAT increase and decision to cut capital spending this week will cost jobs and damage the economy,’’ Mr Calleary added.

“In relation to Europe, it is extremely damaging that he has accepted the fiscal control agenda of Germany when every piece of evidence is that reform of the ECB is the only thing which can save the euro and restore growth in Europe.’’

Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams said the address was “a missed opportunity”, adding that Mr Kenny had failed to provide citizens with hope for a route out of the economic crisis.

“This was a clear attempt to justify in advance what is expected to be a vicious, unfair budget by the Fine Gael-Labour Government,’’ he added.

“Enda Kenny’s tax plans will hit those on lowest incomes hardest. What is most striking about the Taoiseach’s remarks is that there is no clear plan to stimulate the economy.’’

Mr Adams said the Taoiseach was “long on rhetoric and short on substance”.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times