The Burning Question: Should the boys keep rugby all to themselves?

Aoife McLysaght

Aoife McLysaght

I think rugby is analagous to tennis: men play with more power and strength and women play with more skill and agility. I love the game and I can understand why there is more funding for the men's game at present as women's rugby is still in a developmental stage. Tony Smeeth, the men's coach here, really encourages us. He is a very strong supporter of our training and of the team.

Irene McCarthy

Women's rugby is one of the fastest growing sports, particularly in Ireland, so no, I definitely don't think it's just for the boys. I don't really care what people think about us playing rugby. If they make fun I just ask them if they've ever seen a women's game. One thing that would be good to see in future would be rugby scholarships for women in college like there are for the men.


Fiona Wise

I'm from England where rugby is now really established for women. As well as me, both my sisters play. At present Irish international women's rugby isn't played to the same standard as French, Spanish or English, but hopefully that will change in time. People do suffer serious injuries but when you play you realise the risks involved - why should women be mollycoddled?

Katherine Woods

I started playing rugby during Transition Year, but in 5th and 6th year we were forced back to rugby for boys and hockey for girls. Girls should have the chance to play in school - the Irish Women's Rugby Football Union (IWRFU) encourages women from 16 onwards. We don't contest scrums in matches with inexperienced players, but we do take our game seriously.

Polly March

My brothers play rugby so, when I saw the stand in Freshers Week, I thought, why not? You do get the odd cut or bruise but we are taught to tackle and fall properly. Sometimes it can be a bit scary but it is also amazing fun. The one annoying thing is the huge amount of coverage the boys' rugby gets in the student newspapers compared to us, but our coaches and friends are very encouraging.

Jayne Telford

Men's rugby does get more funding, but we are on the up. The two games are different because the men can physically take harder hits. Once people realise you are serious about it they respect you. My dad and brother play, so that's what got me interested probably - don't ask me who my dad would go and watch if my brother and I were playing a match at the same time!