Students brought before the Dean of Discipline from 1956 to 1969, the eminent historian RB McDowell, were accused of quite different crimes and misdemeanours.
These included:
Parking a Morris Minor in Botany Bay
Smoking a cigar with a gown on
Staggering through Rotten Row in drunken song, causing a riot involving 300 students
Breaking a resident's door open with an axe, while naked
Smashing a skylight while attempting to scale a drainpipe to crash a party
Bricking up the door of the Reading Room
Harbouring a woman (including one's wife) or an animal in rooms
Putting a car on the roof of the Examination Hall
Sanctions included:
Fines of 7s 6d
Eviction from Rooms
Rustication for the Hilary Term
Taken from The Junior Dean, RB McDowell: Encounters with a Legend, edited by Anne Leonard, published by Lilliput Press