Oh, the WIT of them

Students at WIT were surprised by a notice in last week's Waterford News & Star announcing the imminent wedding of their …

Students at WIT were surprised by a notice in last week's Waterford News & Star announcing the imminent wedding of their beloved students' union president, John McGrath, to "florist Josephine Bourke" of Ferrybank - ceremony in Cappoquin, reception in the Tower Hotel, Waterford. All is not as it seems. Florist Josephine Bourke, it emerges, is better known as Joey Bourke, a horticulturalist - as distinct from a florist - who also happens to be McGrath's flatmate and, crucially, male. Naturally, E&L wanted to be the first to wish the congratulate the lucky bridegroom and, er, bridegroom, but, sadly, it appears that McGrath has no intention of doing the honourable thing by making an honest woman - man, sorry - of Joey.

In fact, McGrath was somewhat taken aback by the notice, which was planted by those mischievous types in the students' union. "I still haven't quite managed to track down exactly who did it," he says.