So you want to be your own bicycle mechanic? Starting with naming the parts of a bike (nice to know your fork from your bottom bracket) this site www.utahmountainbiking.com/fix/chaincar.htm takes you in words and pictures through the various maintenance and procedures you can do yourself. Although there are many tools and gadgets mentioned, it is reassuring to see my own gadget of last resource, a wire coat-hanger, here.
Chris Billinge's home page http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/cbillinge/Bellring.htm is about bellringing. Ringing is intellectually challenging but requires just a level of dexterity that can be achieved by all: there are blind ringers, one-armed ringers and even one who suffers from cerebral palsy. You can ring and be welcomed all over Britain and Ireland and lots of other places around the world.
Information on how to get started in archaeology and what it is really about is available here on http://archaeology.about.com/cs/forbeginners/ It lists resources for the amateur and armchair archaeologist and contains maps, book lists and information on how to become a professional. Amateurs have an important role to play, especially in studying their local area. What about mud, sore knees and aching backs?
The keel of this site, to use a mariners' term, is its attempt to index every boat-building, design, and repair website. It is "the right starting point for anyone who is looking for boat-building information. We have built on this with regular feature articles written by experienced industry professionals. These will cover the range from design through construction to outfitting, and from kayaks to super yachts", the www.boatbuilding.com site claims.
This could be the place to start if you want to try radio controlled models - aeroplanes, helicopters, boats or whatever. There are pretty comprehensive articles on how to get started, what to look out for and what to avoid as a beginner. "The model is a real aircraft that flies at speeds between 20 and 150 m.p.h. It is not simply a matter of pushing a button to take off, another to land." Take up this hobby and you learn to fly.