Court to discuss future of bright boy

An academically bright boy with considerable sporting talent is to be brought before the High Court today for a discussion about…

An academically bright boy with considerable sporting talent is to be brought before the High Court today for a discussion about future arrangements for his well-being.

The child, now aged 12, was said to have gone out of control when just 10, after he became involved with older boys who dealt in drugs. At the time he was said to be in the top 5 per cent in his class.

The court was told the boy, who was described as friendly, confident and with the prospect of a bright future, could not be allowed on home visits because of the climate of drug-taking in the area.

Yesterday his father appealed to Mr Justice Kelly to "wave a magic wand" with the local authority where he lived in order to obtain alternative accommodation.


Mr Justice Kelly said he did not think his jurisdiction extended to the local authority concerned but he would make a recommendation that efforts being made by a social worker on behalf of the family to secure such accommodation might be effected as soon as possible.

The court was told by the father that he had seen "a fantastic change " in his son over the past six months while in the care of staff in a residential centre in Dublin. If the judge could help him and his wife, they would wish to have the boy at home.

Adjourning the case until today, Mr Justice Kelly said he was minded to approve an application for the boy to be transferred to a care centre where the court heard there was residential accommodation for parental visits.

The boy who had proved to be a good academic performer was by all accounts, the judge said, quite a young sportsman. In talking to the boy today, the judge said, he hoped to tell him that what was being proposed for his future well-being was not to be seen in any way as a punishment but rather in his best interests.