As I See It

Sister Stanislaus Kennedy, president, Focus Ireland

Sister Stanislaus Kennedy, president, Focus Ireland

I am delighted the Belfast Agreement was reached in the sense that we were all hoping it would happen and it did. What they have put together is a framework; the way we can come in behind it is by voting Yes. Anything positive that we can do directly to help the cause of peace, I think we should do.

I have no problem with Articles 2 and 3 - there has to be give and take on all sides and that is the very least we can do. I want peace. I think the agreement is a road towards that.

Muireann Ni Chonaill, Laois Arts Officer


I will be voting Yes but with some reservations because of the position of Northern nationalists. Under the Constitution, Northerners enjoy full Irish citizenship and I wonder if my vote will change this.

However, when I see the political parties who represent them, the SDLP and Sinn Fein, enthusiastic for a Yes vote, I suppose my fears are exaggerated.

If true peace and reconciliation follow the acceptance of the referendum it will have been worthwhile, despite the doubts and reservations I may have.

Robert Ballagh, artist

I will be voting No on two grounds.

The first is constitutional. The proposed changes to Articles 2 and 3 remove the Irish territorial claim and yet the British territorial claim remains unchallenged. That is not balanced. Secondly, I am not sure the good faith exists for the more positive elements of the agreement to be implemented . . . I doubt this on the basis of past events. The Parades Commission, for example, would generally be viewed as a fiasco. Names put forward by the Irish Government were ignored and the British appointed two loyalist members. With this agreement the right of the Irish Government to be involved could also become its right to be ignored.

If I could have a guarantee of peace with justice I would vote for anything, but I don't believe the agreement will guarantee peace any more than if it fails it will produce war.

I welcome the fact that the parties got together, but it is a flawed agreement and I think it is the duty of all right-thinking people to point out those flaws.