Aer Lingus faces one-day strikes from Friday

Aer Lingus flights face serious disruption as more than 3,000 clerical staff and general operatives start a series of one-day…

Aer Lingus flights face serious disruption as more than 3,000 clerical staff and general operatives start a series of one-day strikes on Friday. Further strikes will follow on Friday, April 6th, and Thursday, April 12th, the start of the Easter bank holiday.

Yesterday morning SIPTU served strike notice on the company in pursuit of a catch-up claim with cabin crew. About 1 1/2 hours of talks took place yesterday afternoon, but no progress was reported. No third-party intervention is expected before Friday's stoppage.

A SIPTU branch secretary, Mr Owen Reidy, accused the company of treating clerical staff and general operatives as "second-class citizens". He said the union was seeking "equity" for these members with cabin crew. This would mean reducing the 18-point pay scale to 15, an additional £1,230 at the top of the scale, an increase of 20 per cent in differentials and the option to retire at 55.

Clerical staff and general operatives are also aggrieved that while some of the most contentious new work practices for cabin crew have been deferred for review, all new work practices for their grades have been introduced immediately.


Aer Lingus condemned the SIPTU action as "damaging and without justification". It rejected SIPTU's claim for further pay increases. It said the Labour Court had awarded rises of between £2,000 and £4,000 before Christmas.