While clement, hazy days have so far eluded us, there is still an opportunity to pursue that most summery of activities and spend an afternoon fruit picking.
Lambert's Farm in Cruagh, just three miles from Rathfarnham in Dublin, is one of the few farms left that invites customers to pick their own fruit. With its scenic location between the Hellfire Club and Pine Forest, the farm yields a wide variety of berries including strawberries, raspberries, tayberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants and gooseberries.
Padraig Lambert and his family have been growing strawberries there for 45 years. "People arrive in, pick what they want, using baskets we have provided, and we weigh them." Providing both an ideal family outing and an assuaged conscience with the eco-friendliness of the venture, it's great value and may even prove educational. "Children find out where things grow, rather than in a supermarket."
With just a few weeks left of the fruit-picking season, Lambert's Farm will be open for business until the first week of August, weather permitting. Phone 01-4939896 for fruit availability and opening times. Strawberries cost €4.84 per kilo and raspberries cost €5.50 per kilo. Lambert's Farm, Bramble Lodge, Cruagh Lane, Rockbrook, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.