Share your story: What can’t you wait to do again as Ireland’s lockdown restrictions ease?

Whether a haircut, a leg wax or seeing family and friends, tell us what you’re looking forward to

Family reunions: from May 10th, unvaccinated people (who aren’t at risk of severe disease) from one household can meet vaccinated people from one or two other households. Photograph: E+/iStock/Getty

After five months of strict lockdown, Ireland’s Covid-19 restrictions are beginning to relax.

From today we can go for a haircut or a leg wax, go to the library or a museum, use click-and-collect services and, perhaps most welcome of all, meet up indoors with family and friends (as long as at least some of the group are vaccinated).

What are you most looking forward to doing again as restrictions ease? You can use the form on this page to tell us. We plan to publish a selection of your submissions on and in The Irish Times.

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