Lull yourself to sleep with Relax Melodies

Web Log: App has 112 different ambient sounds including ocean waves and rain

Relax Melodies is best listened to with a good set of headphones or a decent  smartphone speaker
Relax Melodies is best listened to with a good set of headphones or a decent smartphone speaker

Whether you’re a light sleeper, live in a noisy urban area or need familiar sounds to lull you to sleep during a hotel stay, Relax Melodies is a good bet.

Although this app has been around for a while it has just been given a revamp for iOS 11, meaning improved graphics and – more importantly – the sound mixer has a new pop-up menu allowing for much more control over your individual mixes. By mixes I mean the combination of sounds you choose to create a unique soundscape to fall asleep to.

Purring cats

Relax Melodies has 112 different ambient sounds including ocean waves, rain, thunder, crackling fire, purring cats and so on. Many are also background looping music tracks like you hear at spa retreats. On top of these you can layer isochronic or binaural tones, ie vibrating noises at different frequencies that are supposed to induce varying states of relaxation or focus.

This is all best listened to with a good set of headphones or a decent (Bluetooth or otherwise) smartphone speaker. The pro version costs €3.49 but is worth it for the full range of sounds. in new window ]

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