Customer service guru John DiJulius to speak in Dublin

More than 400 businesses expected to attend Salon Owners Summit

Salon owners to be given advice on keeping customers happy

More than 400 salon owners from the US, UK, Finland, Sweden and Ireland are expected to descend on the Mansion House today for the Salon Owners Summit.

The world’s number one best-selling customer service author, John DiJulius, will be speaking for the first time in Ireland at the event.

He will impart secrets on how some of his clients, including Lexus, Starbucks, Ritz-Carlton, Nordstrom and Disney consistently deliver excellent customer service across workforces of tens of thousands.

World-class service

Phorest chief executive and organiser of the Salon Owners Summit, Ronan Perceval, said Ireland is home to some of the world's best companies but it is still far behind countries such as New Zealand, Canada, the US and Norway when it comes to customer service.


“Ireland isn’t even on the map when it comes to customer service rankings in Europe,” he said.

“Our aim is to change this and give our clients everything they need to provide world-class service in their businesses. Most salon owners, stylists and therapists are amazing at their creative jobs but what will set them apart from their competition is the client experience they will provide as a whole,” he added.