‘I have a shareholding in One4all, because I back myself.’

Me and my money: Jock Jordan, group sales director, One4all

“I’m passionate about spending locally, particularly for fresh produce.” Photograph: Jason Clarke

Are you a saver or a spender?

I’m a bit of both. I come from an era when saving for a rainy day was instilled in us as children. However, I do like to splurge out every now and then, typically on a weekend away. I work hard and long hours, so I believe both my wife Aedeen and myself deserve it.

Do you shop around for better value?

No. Other than on household utilities, I find a shop or service that has good customer service and I stay loyal. I believe real value for money lies in service.


What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost?

I bought a new Suzuki TS250 motorcycle when I was 21 back in the day. I can't remember what the price was exactly, but I remember it cost everything I had at the time. It was fast, dangerous and I loved it! What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? I bought a Life Jacket for €100 11 years ago. I fell overboard yacht racing twice since then and it's saved my life. Think I'm due a new one, though!

How do you prefer to shop – online or local? Definitely local. I'm passionate about spending locally, particularly for fresh produce. I live in the market garden of Ireland in north County Dublin. For hotels, holidays, airlines, and so on, I use the net.   Do you haggle over prices? No – unless I'm on holiday or at a local market, and then I really enjoy haggling.   Has the recession changed your spending habits? Yes. I am much more likely to question my spending, and I keep a close eye on outgoings. Spending on incidentals and dining out have definitely diminished.

Do you invest in shares? I have a shareholding in One4all, because I back myself. Other than that, no, I don't buy shares. I can sleep at night.

Cash or card? Definitely card, just for the convenience. However, I use cash for the small day-to-day stuff. I think contactless is dangerous, as it's hard to keep track of.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money? I bought a Boardman Cycle, through the Bikes4work scheme. It was worth €1,000, but only cost me half that through the scheme. Good value? I'll let you know when the pounds start falling off!

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? I saved for my first house. It took over a year to pull together the 10 per cent deposit, but when I got the keys, it was worth all the effort.

Have you ever lost money? Yes. I lost a IR£5 note when it fell from my hand down between a metal grid on the footpath in Temple Bar. It was so frustrating because I could just about see it in the cellar below.

Are you a gambler and, if so, have you ever had a big win? No, I'm not a gambler at all. I did win thirty quid on a 50p ticket in a pub raffle once while I was saving for my first mortgage. My wife and I had an unexpected few beers to celebrate.

Is money important to you? Of course it's important, and necessary, but it's not the most important. It's the driver for the important things in life, like my kids' education, the family home and vacations, and of course retirement plans.

How much money do you have on you now?

€35. A fiver for a sandwich and coffee at my desk for lunch, and my daughter Emma will probably mug me for a few shillings later!