Digicel-linked firm to send new recruits to sun-kissed Pacific Islands

DIGICEL’S SUCCESS in the Pacific Islands has had a positive ripple effect for Irishman Stephen Breen and his company, FlexPacific…

DIGICEL’S SUCCESS in the Pacific Islands has had a positive ripple effect for Irishman Stephen Breen and his company, FlexPacific.

The business operates as a distributor of mobile phone top-up cards for Digicel in Fiji, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea.

“We have a small presence in Tonga and Samoa,” Breen told me on a visit to Dublin this week.

FlexPacific employs 58 and revenues this year will be the guts of $50 million (€35 million). It is growing strongly, and the next challenge is to move phone users to electronic top-ups. The company is a joint venture with Denis O’Brien’s Digicel, for whom Breen worked before striking out on his own. His wife has a senior position in Digicel and they live in sun-kissed Fiji.


Breen was home to see family. But the company is also seeking to recruit 10 to 15 sales staff and used O’Brien’s Irishjobs.ie to test the market here. “We’re trawling through CVs at the moment,” he said. “We’re looking for people who are seeking a challenge and who have a sense of adventure.”

He won’t be short of interest.

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times