Wind problems

Richard Cooper (40) from Marlborough, England is currently heading around the south west coast of Ireland on a wind surfer, hoping…

Richard Cooper (40) from Marlborough, England is currently heading around the south west coast of Ireland on a wind surfer, hoping to complete the 2,300 mile trip around Britain and Ireland.

If the circumnavigation is successful, he will become the first sailor ever to do so (has anyone else even tried?). Travelling in a clockwise direction, Cooper set off from Gosport on August 22nd and has planned to complete the epic in six to eight weeks.

But things are looking tricky. Since the beginning of his voyage there has been little or no wind and his average of 40 miles a day dropped to between 15 and 20 miles. While he looks for more wind now, his primary worry is that later in the month when the weather gets worse there will be too much blow up around the north coast.

An extremely bored Cooper has been keeping himself active by watching the basking sharks, dolphins, gannets and whales that inhabit the Irish coast. Just one thing, watch out for the monofilament nets up North Richard.