Queen's kings on Lagan

ROWING: QUEEN’S University demonstrated the strength of their senior men’s programme at the Lagan Head of the River on Saturday…

ROWING:QUEEN'S University demonstrated the strength of their senior men's programme at the Lagan Head of the River on Saturday.

They provided the top two eights, and a third eight finished eighth. Their winning crew was over half a minute faster than third-placed UCD. Bann’s reputation as a coming force in junior rowing was confirmed by their fifth-place finish overall, just 1.6 seconds behind Neptune’s senior eight, who finished fourth.

In the first head their junior 18 and junior 16 quadruples were the fastest crews.

Trinity were convincing winners of the women’s senior eight, ahead of Commercial and UCD.

Liam Gorman

Liam Gorman

Liam Gorman is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in rowing