The Big Snow of 1947

A chara, – All the talk about snow reminded me of the Big Snow of 1947.

The school I attended was four miles from home in Co Wicklow. I refused to miss school and set off, walking up the hill and into the thick, crisp, crunchy snow. I recall the sunshine, the utter stillness of the day, the absence of any visible life.

Of course, when I got to school, no one else was there. Only the bemused teacher, who lived in the house next door. She fed me tea and bread and butter sandwiches and bade me farewell.

So I trudged home again in the crisp and crunchy snow, seeing not one soul on the way. I was 11 years old.


How wonderful to have experienced that carefree, fearless time when God was in his heaven and all was right with the world. – Yours, etc,

