Relics Of St Therese

Sir, - In the matter of St Therese - or Trayze, as Bishop Comiskeymatily calls her - Joseph McEvoy (April 26th) seems to be getting…

Sir, - In the matter of St Therese - or Trayze, as Bishop Comiskeymatily calls her - Joseph McEvoy (April 26th) seems to be getting his saints mixed up.

He says: "For those who believe, no explanations are necessary. For secular liberals, I am afraid no explanation is possible." In a 1943 film called The Song of Bernadette, the parish priest of Lourdes, played by beefy Charles Bickford, puts sceptics - and film critics - in their place with: "For those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe in God, no explanation is possible."

Obviously, Mr McEvoy shares my affection for bad fillums. - Yours, etc.,

Hugh Leonard, Pilot View, Dalkey, Co Dublin.