Possible strike by consultants

Madam, - Mr Eamon Tierney of Wexford claims (February 8th) that the Tánaiste and Minister for Health, Mary Harney TD, had misstated…

Madam, - Mr Eamon Tierney of Wexford claims (February 8th) that the Tánaiste and Minister for Health, Mary Harney TD, had misstated the reason for the threatened industrial action by consultants. This is incorrect.

In a letter to the Tánaiste last Friday, the Irish Medical Organisation said the planned industrial action was on the issue of "appropriate indemnities on costs and damages that may arise from historic medical negligence liabilities".

The Irish Hospital Consultants Association wrote on January 14th that it wished to have "matters concerning indemnity for those consultants refused same by the MDU resolved to our reasonable satisfaction without resort to industrial action". It has also been crystal clear to the Tánaiste from meetings with both organisations that the withdrawal of cover by the MDU for past liabilities is precipitating its threat of industrial action now.

The Tánaiste would reiterate that consultants, the Government and patients are fundamentally on the same side on this issue in seeking to have the MDU meet its responsibilities. She is working on solutions that will not compromise the legal or negotiating position with the MDU. It remains her view that that industrial action would only hurt patients. - Yours, etc.,



Press Officer,

Department of Health and Children,

Dublin 2.