Owning the National Maternity Hospital

Sir, – A very valid point was made by Peter Kenny, "If a faith group found blood transfusions, for instance, repugnant to their system of belief, I would like to think that the State would not fund the building and running costs of a hospital under the control of such a group" (Letters, June 30th).

After all the apologies over the last decade or so from the Government for the Magdalene laundries and mother and baby homes, we are here once more letting the women of Ireland down by not protecting the rights to our bodily integrity.

The fundamental rights under the Constitution, state: “You have a right not to have your body or person unjustifiably interfered with. A person can only interfere with your body with a valid justification and in a proportionate manner.”

When will the Government stand up for the women of Ireland they say they hold in high esteem and want only the best for them.


Move the National Maternity Hospital away from religious hold, otherwise nothing will change. – Yours, etc,


Terenure, Dublin 6.