Dublin needs joined-up transport strategy

Sir, – The editorial "Public transport – time to join up the thinking" was timely, valid but somewhat understated (January 8th).

At my last count, there were 43 separate bodies all with some degree of responsibility for Dublin traffic and transport. The sensible and logical approach is for a single Dublin transportation authority under the remit of either a directly elected mayor or an accountable and elected Dublin regional authority.

I don’t often praise political opponents but a coherent structure for dealing with these issues was set out in the Dublin Mayor and Regional Authority Bill 2010 introduced by John Gormley and with subsequent sensible amendments from Noel Dempsey. Unfortunately for Dublin and Ireland that Bill was blocked because of political expediency and opportunism.

The basis for resolving our problems lie within that draft legislation, and if the Government were serious, it would simply retable that Bill and ensure its passage through the Oireachtas. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 4.