A crucial choice in the US

Sir, – A central campaign theme in the 1920 US presidential election was the phrase “A return to normalcy”. American voters in 2020 may be seeking the same result. The people are tired of the soap-opera scandals of the Clinton era, are fretful of Bernie Sanders’s red flag revolution, and are bone-weary of Donald Trump’s daily Twitter tirades. They seek a government of capable adults who can discuss and plan solutions to the vast array of problems confronting the nation. Opponents are not to be considered blood enemies. There should be no need for constant campaign-style mass rallies, which descend into fits of vile rants.

The US needs leadership that will work with both political parties and independents to secure the best and lasting remedies to the needs of the American people.

The world outside the 50 states would also benefit. – Yours, etc,



Dungarvan, Co Waterford.

Sir, – Michael Bloomberg made the fatal mistake of equating political success with data. But politics is about emotion, as Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders amply demonstrated. Always was and always will be. – Yours, etc,



Stillorgan, Co Dublin.