Subscriber OnlyLetters

99 reasons

Ripple effect

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – While writing about the possible effects of the Dublin city centre transport plan (Opinion & Analysis, July 13th), Mark O’Connell makes a tongue in cheek remark about car drivers “making tap payments for flat whites out the driver-side window”, as the plan will prohibit them from stopping in the city centre.

He might be on to something.

The previous day, July 12th, my wife and I were waiting at a red light on the western side of Galway’s Quincentenary Bridge when we observed four ice-cream cones being passed from the ice-cream van in front of us to the occupants of a campervan waiting alongside. No cash transfer was seen, so we can only assume this was a “tap payment”.

The lights changed, we all moved on, and I had a sudden yearning for a 99. – Yours, etc,


