What they promised and failed to deliver

What the parties in power since 1992 promised and failed to deliver, according to the NWCI

What the parties in power since 1992 promised and failed to deliver, according to the NWCI

Fianna Fail:

No action on: supporting economic independence for women; developing a development strategy for women as potential entrepreneurs; allowing the County Enterprise Boards to organise child care facilities.

Fine Gael:


No action on: improving services for mentally handicapped or those in geriatric care; a national policy on care for the elderly, support for a charter of carers; the restoration of maternity benefits and direct pensions to women in the home.


No action on: emphasising adult education to return women to work; genderproofing of all legislation; career guidance programme to get women into maledominated employment.

Demacratic Left:

No action on: including women's rights in the Constitution; reforming tax and welfare payments to provide a minimum income; giving guidelines to judges in rape cases; allowing tax relief on maternity expenses.