Statement by the Adelaide and Meath hospital Dublin Incorporating the National Children's hospital
The chief executive designate of Tallaght hospital, Prof Kevin Conlon said: "On my appointment on December 14th last, I became aware that there were 57,921 adult x-rays which had not been reported officially by a consultant radiologist. The majority would have been reviewed by a non-radiologist. Nevertheless, this is totally unacceptable and it arose from systemic and process failures. The Health Service Executive and the Health Information Quality Authority were informed that week.
"To clear this back log, I immediately arranged for the hiring of extra consultants and additional administrative and technical support.
We have appointed a new Head of the Department of Radiology and we are interviewing next week for a new clinical director in diagnostics. In addition a new permanent consultant radiologist was appointed in January and we furthermore sought approval from the HSE for a further two consultant radiologist positions.
"Every patient who has an x-ray at Tallaght hospital now has a report generated from a consultant radiologist. There are no unreported x-rays from September 2009.
"I now receive a weekly report on progress which just shows a back log today reduced by 34,752 to 23,169. The backlog will be cleared entirely by May.
"The technology now in place is delivering maximum output as staff work longer hours and through into the weekends to clear this backlog.
"It is to the hospital's deep regret that there have been two patients who have had a delayed diagnosis as a result of this. One of these persons is under treatment at the hospital for a cancer. The other patient died at the hospital last summer; I was informed of this latter case today and I am pursuing the matter with urgency."
The hospital has set up a freephone helpline for patients and their families who may be concerned, 1800 283059, open from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.