Taking classical music into the prisons

Inmates in Magilligan Prison will be the first to benefit from an initiative by the City of Derry Orchestra to take classical…

Inmates in Magilligan Prison will be the first to benefit from an initiative by the City of Derry Orchestra to take classical music to the community.

The orchestra, which was formed last year, will also play to communities most affected by the Troubles in the city.

Mr Kevin Murphy, administrator with the orchestra, said the concerts were being called the "Bring a Dish" series because the local communities provided both the venue and food.

The aim is to widen access so as to be as inclusive as possible and to visit places where orchestras wouldn't normally play.


The hour-long concerts, he said, were designed to be "user-friendly".

They will include music from Mozart to Bjork and Stravinsky to Burt Bacharach. Pop songs will be sung with a classical arrangement by mezzo-soprano Liz Ryan.

Most of the orchestra members have full-time jobs, but for previous performances up to 40 people have taken part. For this series there will be 15 players, mainly strings.

The first concert takes place this afternoon at Magilligan, followed by a second at 8 p.m. in the Irish Street Community Centre, a loyalist area in the Waterside.

The hall has just been refurbished and is now a centre for community education, re creation and cultural activities.

Over recent years a traditional 12th of July bonfire has been replaced by a festival.

Tomorrow, in the heart of the Bogside and Brandywell areas, the orchestra will play in the Gasyard Centre, a new venue developed by the local communities. It will be one of the first events to be staged there.