Stiff fines for tobacco sales to under-aged

Cigarettes may only be sold to people over 18 under a Bill published yesterday by the Minister for Health

Cigarettes may only be sold to people over 18 under a Bill published yesterday by the Minister for Health. The Health (Miscellaneous Provisions Bill) 2000 triples the maximum fine for shopkeepers convicted of selling tobacco to underage people from £500 to £1,500.

Nursing homes will have to register with the Department of Health and ensure proper standards under amendments announced by the Minister for Health, Mr Martin, to the Health (Nursing Homes) Act 1990. The changes will give the Minister power to make regulations governing standards related to staffing and facilities, according to the statement.

Mr Martin also released a Bill amending Section 59 of the Health Act 1970 which covers the supply of drugs under the General Medical Services and community drugs schemes. The amendment is designed to make the service more accountable and to improve community pharmacy services.