Archbishop in attack on ‘tabloidism’ in Catholic press

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has criticised sectors of the Catholic press in Ireland. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

The Catholic Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin has criticised sectors of the Catholic press in Ireland, accusing them of displaying a "growing tendency to tabloidism".

There was, he said, also a “growing and worrying” phenomenon of blogs that were “not just partial and sectarian, but at times very far away from the charity with which the truth should be expressed”.

Speaking at the “Faith of our Fathers” conference in Kilkenny yesterday, Dr Martin said Catholic journalists and newspapers must live up to the highest standards of the broader profession to which they belonged.

“This requires balance in reporting and the normal professional standards about verifying sources. Accuracy is more important than the exclusive ‘scoop’ which may often be unfounded,” said Dr Martin.


He also announced new plans for the University Church on St Stephen's Green in Dublin, which was established by Cardinal John Henry Newman.

The conference continues this weekend. Speakers include Fr Brian McKevitt, editor of Alive newspaper, Irish Times columnist John Waters and former MEPs Dana and Kathy Sinnott.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times