Senegal pulls out of Olympics

The organisers of the Special Olympics have expressed regret at the decision by Senegal to pull out of this month's World Games…

The organisers of the Special Olympics have expressed regret at the decision by Senegal to pull out of this month's World Games.

The African country's delegation informed the steering committee yesterday that it would not now be sending a team, citing organisational problems.

Mr Julian Davis, the Games' media relations director, said the disappointment "was compounded by the fact that this comes so late".

Ballygar in Co Roscommon had been preparing to host the eight-person delegation for the past two years. Efforts were now being made to find a replacement team. "Obviously we will do everything we can to ensure the people of Ballygar do not miss out on the experience, having gone to so much trouble," said Mr Davis.


He stressed the Senegalese decision was unrelated to funding.

Meanwhile, the east Cork town of Youghal is preparing to host a new delegation from Kosovo after a change in plans from its original guests.

An Oman delegation of 22 was due to arrive in the town next week. However, due to complications with training arrangements, the squad will not stay in Youghal but will go directly to Dublin instead.

Consequently, the host town committee was asked if it could accommodate a team from Kosovo, an offer that was readily accepted.