RPA reveals new metro line option

The RPA, the Railway Procurement Agency has revealed a fourth metro line option, which would incorporate the areas of Croke Park…

The RPA, the Railway Procurement Agency has revealed a fourth metro line option, which would incorporate the areas of Croke Park and DCU on the proposed line linking Swords and Dublin airport with St Stephen's Green.

The alternative route, which combines the proposed east and central route, was unveiled by the RPA yesterday so that the public may make informed submissions before the conclusion of the consultation process on June 30th.

Before the start of the public consultation process in February, the RPA had favoured the central route, which would operate via Glasnevin and Botanic Road and service DCU.

An east route, through Drumcondra and Santry, and a west route through Cabra and Finglas, had also been put out to public consultation.


The alternative route that has now emerged would effectively combine the east and central route and involve an underground section from Drumcondra to DCU and provide for a station in Drumcondra, on Griffith Avenue and at DCU.

During the consultations, a proposal to replace the Trinity and Upper O'Connell Street station on the central route with a single Lower O'Connell Street station close to the Luas Red Line also emerged. Surface or underground sections as an alternative to elevated sections were also proposed.

The Metro North is planned to come into service in 2012.