FF considering complaint over its treatment on RTÉ show

Party ‘weighing up options’ after Monday’s Claire Byrne Live show

Claire Byrne on the set of her live current affais show on RTE: ‘We have a concern about what the agenda is,’ said a Fianna Fáil source. Photograph: Andres Poveda

Fianna Fáil is considering making a complaint to the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland over its treatment on the Claire Byrne Live show on Monday.

The programme had a debate on the position of the party ahead of its ardfheis this weekend. A senior party source said they were now "weighing up their options" but would be considering making formal complaints to the BAI and RTÉ.

The source added: “We have a concern about what the agenda is. We have looked to see are there any other examples of political parties being put in a scenario like this where a panel discusses their relevance, what role they have, and internal and external critics are given a television platform.

"We can't see any other equivalent where one would be broadcast on ardfheis weekend this year. The last example we can find of this format is a similar format on The Frontline in 2010 about Fianna Fáil."


The programme examined what the future holds for Fianna Fáil with a panel discussion. The party was represented by Mary O'Rourke and Niall Collins with some councillors in the audience. University College Cork lecturer Niamh Hourigan, and commentator and one-time Fianna Fáil candidate Noel Whelan, also took part in the panel discussion.

A spokeswoman for RTÉ said the State broadcaster was very happy that the show was fair and impartial.