Eamon Gilmore appointed EU envoy to Colombian peace process

Tánaiste Joan Burton welcomes ‘prestigious position for Ireland’

Former tánaiste and Labour leader Eamon Gilmore said he was honoured to accept the position. Photograph: Frank Miller

Former tánaiste and Labour Party leader Eamon Gilmore has been appointed as the European Union envoy to the peace process in Colombia.

Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, announced the appointment, which Mr Gilmore said he was honoured to accept.

The Colombian government and the country’s largest left-wing rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc), last week took a significant step towards ending more than five decades of armed conflict. At talks in Havana, both sides announced plans to end hostilities by early next year.

Applying lessons

“As minister for foreign affairs and trade, I spent much of my time working to implement the peace process in Northern



and promote reconciliation between all people in Ireland,” Mr Gilmore said. “I look forward to this new challenge and applying what I learned at home to helping the Colombian people. I welcome the progress that was made at the recent talks in Havana and look forward to building on this on behalf of the EU.”

Tánaiste Joan Burton welcomed the appointment. “I’m very pleased for Eamon: it is an excellent appointment and a prestigious position for Ireland,” she said.