Phrasing of questions criticised

Leaving Cert Economic History - post-mortem: Leaving Cert students who kept a close watch on past papers will probably have …

Leaving Cert Economic History - post-mortem: Leaving Cert students who kept a close watch on past papers will probably have judged this year's higher-level economic history paper to be a bit on the tough side. "It was a more challenging paper than previous years," Mr Cormac Harte, teaching at the College of Commerce, Cork, said.

He did think there was a good distribution of questions from across the course but the way the questions were phrased might have caught out some students.

"The standard of English required to understand the questions was quite high. Section A question in particular could have been more straightforward."

Those who had just picked the most regularly occurring topics may have been stuck, he said. Overall, however, he found the paper to be fair.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times