Overseas aid target unlikely to be reached

There is now no possibility the Government will reach its target of giving 0

There is now no possibility the Government will reach its target of giving 0.7 per cent of Gross National Product each year in overseas development aid (ODA), despite the Taoiseach's committing himself to this as recently as September in a speech to the UN, according to Labour's foreign affairs spokesman, Mr Michael D. Higgins.

Ireland's ODA contribution next year will be €399.1 million, an increase of €25 million, or 7 per cent, on this year's estimate. However, according to Mr Higgins, the growth in Ireland's GNP means there will be no increase in the percentage of GNP given. "The figure remains at 0.41 per cent of GNP, and we are effectively 'treading water' on this commitment," he said.