The standard of proof to be applied in disciplinary matters is to be the balance of probabilities.
• The Garda commissioner can summarily dismiss any member in a case where he or she believes holding an inquiry into a breach of discipline would not affect his or her judgment in the matter.
• A member can be summarily dismissed when he or she compromises the security of the State or unjustifiably infringes the rights of other persons.
• Any members who effectively abandon their duties can be summarily dismissed.
• Serious breaches of discipline which are not dealt with by the commissioner alone can be dealt with by way of a one-person investigation by a superintendent, which can result in dismissal by the commissioner.
• Serious breaches can also be dealt with by three-officer panels appointed by the commissioner. These can recommend dismissal.
• Minor breaches of discipline can be dealt with in an interview conducted by a superintendent. These can result in sanction up to and including four weeks' pay.
• A member can be suspended when they have committed a criminal offence or have acted in a way that would justify the commencement of disciplinary proceedings.