Man in INLA case refused bail

A man accused of the INLA murder of a former policeman, Mr Cyril Stewart, in Armagh last month was refused bail in the High Court…

A man accused of the INLA murder of a former policeman, Mr Cyril Stewart, in Armagh last month was refused bail in the High Court in Belfast yesterday. However, Mr Justice Coghlin said it was a case which the Crown might require to review at some stage in the future.

Mr Barry Morgan (23), from Banbrook Hill, Armagh, has denied any involvement in the murder. A prosecution lawyer said Mr Morgan's fingerprints were on a plastic bag found in a wheelie bin at Culdee Terrace. Also in the bin was a T-shirt stained with Mr Stewart's blood and discarded clothing containing fibres which could be traced to Mr Morgan's car.

Mr Peter Irvine, defending, said the fingerprint evidence did not connect Mr Morgan with the murder and the fibres were of no relevance because there was no suggestion his car was at the scene. He said there was no identification evidence and Mr Morgan had provided police with alibi witnesses.

Mr Justice Coghlin referred to Mr Morgan's clear record and glowing references and said the case against him appeared to be almost entirely forensic and circumstantial. Against that, the murder had been claimed by the INLA, an organisation dedicated to destroying society, and he was not convinced it was a proper case for bail.