Main points

Introduction of competitive tendering for bus routes in the greater Dublin area, based on the models of London, Helsinki and …

Introduction of competitive tendering for bus routes in the greater Dublin area, based on the models of London, Helsinki and Stockholm.

Establishment of a Passenger Transport Authority to design a new bus network for the capital, organise tenders and regulate the bus market.

Legislation to set up both Bus Eireann and Dublin Bus as independent companies, allowing them to compete with each other.

State to divest itself of its shareholding in at least one of the two companies, with Dublin Bus being the most obvious sale option.


Three-year transitional period to allow the two companies to gear up for a new era of competition from private sector bus operators.

PTA to be set up initially on a "shadow" basis, with a remit to begin franchising new bus routes to private sector operators.

Following enactment of the first Bill, legislation to be drafted to establish the PTA on a statutory footing by late 2002.

Full franchising of the entire bus network, with one operator per route, to begin in 2003 and be completed by 2006 or 2007.