Kenny in Chicago on first stage of five-day trip to US

TAOISEACH'S ITINERARY: TAOISEACH ENDA Kenny arrives in Chicago this morning on the first stage of a four-city, five-day trip…

TAOISEACH'S ITINERARY:TAOISEACH ENDA Kenny arrives in Chicago this morning on the first stage of a four-city, five-day trip to the US for St Patrick's Day.

The highlight of Mr Kenny’s visit will be the traditional presentation of a bowl of shamrock to US president Barack Obama, which this year takes place next Tuesday because St Patrick’s Day falls on a Saturday.

The Taoiseach is one of 12 Ministers leaving the State this weekend, along with five Ministers of State, to attend St Patrick’s Day festivities around the world. Last year just nine Ministers travelled but Mr Kenny has justified this month’s exodus by saying that now is the time to persuade the world to invest in Ireland’s recovery.

Mr Kenny has said travel and other costs would be kept to a minimum, and Ministers had been told to include as many business, trade, tourism and investment opportunities as possible in their trips.


His own schedule is a packed one, starting with a series of engagements in Chicago today, including a meeting with mayor Rahm Emmanuel.

Tomorrow he will attend the city’s parade before heading to South Bend in Indiana, home of the University of Notre Dame. The college’s American football team, the “Fighting Irish”, is playing the Navy in Dublin next September in a match that is expected to attract thousands of US tourists to Ireland.

After a private day in New York on Sunday, Mr Kenny will visit the city’s stock exchange on Monday, before transferring to Washington for a number of science-related events.

In the evening he will attend the American Ireland Fund gala dinner.

Mr Kenny has also scheduled a number of private meetings, including meetings with potential investors in Ireland, details of which have not been disclosed.

In addition to meeting Mr Obama in Washington, he will go to a lunch hosted by the speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, and meet US vice-president Joe Biden.

Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore travels to Canada, while Ministers flying within Europe include Minister for Finance Michael Noonan (France) and Minister for Communications Pat Rabbitte (Italy).

Minister for Justice Alan Shatter is heading to Australia and New Zealand.

Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn will act as head of the Government over the weekend while the most senior Ministers are out of the State.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.