INOU rejects call to cut work schemes

The Irish National Organisation for the Unemployed (INOU) has rejected calls in the OECD's Economic Survey of Ireland for a reduction…

The Irish National Organisation for the Unemployed (INOU) has rejected calls in the OECD's Economic Survey of Ireland for a reduction in the number of people on Community Employment (CE) schemes.

Responding to the OECD report published yesterday Mr Tony Monks, INOU general secretary, said the report "indicates a lack of understanding [by the OECD] of the purpose and role of CE."

"Community Employment provides a valuable transition programme from welfare into the open labour market for the majority of participants," Mr Monks said.

"In some parts of the country CE is the only work available to many unemployed people."


Consequently, Mr Monks added, any reduction in the number of places on CE schemes across the State could only be considered in consultation with the INOU and other social partners.

"The OECD report calls for a faster 'run-down' in CE numbers than is currently agreed," Mr Monks added.

"The social partners have already agreed a reduction in CE numbers to 28,000 by 2003 with surplus resources being allocated to the Social Economy programme.

"The INOU would not agree to any reduction beyond that currently agreed."