Horses returned after stables demolition

A meeting between Fingal County Council and representatives of the community-run pony club at Scribblestown Lane appears to have…

A meeting between Fingal County Council and representatives of the community-run pony club at Scribblestown Lane appears to have eased the dispute caused by the demolition of makeshift stables over the weekend.

The horses, and stables made from containers, were removed early on Saturday. The council said the containers were illegally placed on the land. Leaders of the pony club claimed they had been told no action would be taken until a meeting due at the beginning of the week had taken place.

In a statement released after yesterday's meeting the council said: "All club and horse owner representatives agreed that no containers would be placed on council-owned land in the future." The council said "any allegations of injury to horses, or other misleading statements, are without foundation".

Fingal County Council has agreed to return the horses. A plan is expected to be drawn up whereby the council will fund secure fencing around the enclosure and hope to lease the land to the pony club.


Another meeting has been planned for a couple of weeks' time involving Fingal County Council and Dublin City Council where it is hoped a final solution to the issue will be decided.